Freedom: By Derral Reynolds
“The truth is, all might be free if they valued freedom, and defended it as they ought.”
Samuel Adams
Freedom is more than most people realize. Many think freedom as their ability to express themselves – 1st amendment.
But freedom is much deeper. Freedom is a way of life. Our forefathers based this country on God’s Law – the law of nature. Our conscience tells us the difference between good and evil. This knowledge is what gives us freedom. We are free to choose the right thing or the wrong thing. This defines what chains us down or sets us free. Sin…
When sin is in control, we are constrained from our God given freedoms. Some of these freedoms were spelled out in the founding documents, most were not. Freedom is a way of life. When we do unto others as we would have them do to us, we are balanced. When we accept the sins and deceits of others, we are not balanced. We don’t have to let darkness, lies and deceit go unchallenged. In fact, we have a duty to stand for God and Country to keep our freedoms.
To be a Christian and American, we must stand against those who would usurp our freedoms. This should be a daily way of life. Stand and never waiver. Always, do the right thing. Always speak the truth. No matter how many people you upset because they expect you to be politically correct. Don’t stand down to those who shout at you or attack you for supporting the truth. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve faced these tactics from BLM and Antifa. Nothing but lies and intimidations. I do not back down. These are socialist tactics that are intended to take away your freedom through intimidation, brute force and misinformation. If you are unwilling to stand against the enemy, you have no right to complain when the enemy leaves your neighbor’s house and comes to your door…
Totalitarianism is a concept for a form of government or political system that prohibits opposition parties, restricts individual opposition to the state and its claims, and exercises an extremely high degree of control over public and private life. It is regarded as the most extreme and complete form of authoritarianism. In totalitarian states, political power has often been held by autocrats (i.e. dictators or absolute monarchs) who employ all-encompassing campaigns in which propaganda is broadcast by state-controlled mass media.
Right now, we are seeing an assault on your rights at every level. Another socialist tactic in the early period of Totalitarianism as it builds to remove all of your freedoms and American identity. How illogical is it that we would accept this? Yet, most are accepting this domination of their very life and body without a challenge. The science is not there. The evidence is not there. Yet, the government and private business are there forcing through law their desires upon you, over your body, over your family. What would your grandparents say about America today? Think about it.
Freedoms once lost are rarely restored!
Stand with me and Take Missouri Back!