Christian Conservatives taking Action!
Londa and I have been married 46 years. Like most of you, we have seen hard times, as well as, good times. We know how to get things done the right way. We have learned that working hard and smart is what it takes to be successful. In our home, God will always come first, with family and country next. I want Missouri to set the same priorities for our state. Politics should not be a blue or red focus. Politics should be about doing the “right” thing for you and I. People have lost track of that fact. As the bible warned us; we see ourselves in a world where a lie has become the truth and the truth has become a lie. I will always speak the truth and do the right thing, even when it is not popular. And if I don’t have the answer to a problem. I research successful solutions and work to resolve the cause. When we fix the cause, the problem goes away. My wife and I want to make a difference in the direction of this country and Missouri. It is time for the good Christian people of this country to step up and set things right. We need America to be “One Nation Under God” again. We can start this here in our state and Take Missouri Back!
Derral Reynolds grew up on ranches in Colorado and Wyoming where he learned the value of hard work. He finished high school in 1977. Derral and Londa were married in 1978 and began a family of three children. Currently, have been married for 46 years with grandchildren living in Colorado and Missouri. Derral began a career in commercial construction as a carpenter, often working as a certified welder in many trades. It wasn’t long before he was running commercial construction jobs from a foreman to supervisor. Work moved Derral and his family to Pennsylvania, and California over the years. After reaching the full period needed to vest retirement, Derral went back to college, where he earned 3 degrees from 3 different universities in the span of 2-years by taking double the credit hours. With a family to raise, there wasn’t time for delays. Directly out of graduate school he was hired by IBM as the highest paid student from CSU in 1996. From there Derral was hired by EDS and moved to Missouri in 1999. Derral and his family have remained in Missouri to this day. In his free time, Derral is a writer, ministers in jails, volunteers as a fireman/Chaplin, helps the homeless, visits children in the hospital and evangelizes online, as well as on the street. Derral works to support good causes, like prolife and cleaning up our school system! Derral has the diverse background and experience that will bring a solid Christian Conservative perspective to Jefferson City. He has worked in many roles; from a ranch hand to a top executive in the board room of a mega corporation. Derral is a leader. He has the skills needed for state legislature. He can effectively interface with powerful people at all levels and get things done. Derral has substantial experience dealing with large scope issues and detailed needs. He knows how to bring different personalities together in one united goal. Derral will get things done. Derral sees value in the backbone of our country and state – people like you. He supports us, the hard-working middle class of America. Real Americans! He will support you in the face of all adversaries. You can depend on him to stand his ground and Take Missouri Back!
Missouri State Representative Candidacy
Patriot Academy Coach
Patient Advocate – Cox Radiology and Oncology
Co-founder President - Queen City Full Gospel Business Men’s Fellowship International chapter
Conquered Cancer
Retired - Social Security
Jail and hospital ministry
International Christian Television Show Host
82 countries 236 million homes
Retired - Electronic Data Systems (EDS)
Retired - Hewlett Packard (HP)
Online ministry
Homeless support
Pro-life causes
School board concerns
Darla Jade and the Balance of the Universe
Young Adult Runner up for Novel of the Year
Children’s Picture Books
Ant Picnic
Sidewalk Chalk
Program Manager - Hewlett-Packard (HP)
Moved to Missouri
Director - Electronic Data Systems (EDS)
Project Manager - International Business Machines (IBM)
MBA Technology Management - Colorado State University
BA Computer Information Systems
- University of Northern
A.A. – Aims Community College
Retired - Carpenters Union
Supervisor - Moved to California
President - Commercial Construction, moved to Pennsylvania
Married the love of his life – Londa
Who’s Who in American Writing
Commercial Construction
Grew up on ranches – Colorado and Wyoming
Donate for your state and family
Invest in the future of you and your family’s security by sending strong Christian Conservative values to Jefferson City. Together we will work to improve our state. I represent you, not politicians or special interest groups. Let’s work together to Take Missouri Back for us.
Meet the Team
Getting started is a family affair. My wife Londa, my son Derral, my daughter Darla and their friends are currently part of our team. I have many other people that are currently organizing to join the team as we move forward and formalize things; evangelists, businessmen and women, students and others. Come join us in an exciting grass roots effort to make a difference in the state of Missouri. Together we can Take Missouri Back!

Derral Reynolds
Candidate for the 128th district of Missouri Derral Reynolds Candidate for the 128th district of Missouri Derral Reynolds believes in God

Darla Jade
Campaign ManagerDarla Jade Darla Jade

TreasurerLonda Treasurer